3 Suggestions To Improve Your Sleep

A good night's rest is something that many people take for granted. It is not until you are sleep deprived that you might notice just how much you need and miss your sleep. Many people have a hard time falling asleep, and/or staying asleep. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to improve your sleep. Here are a couple suggestions. 1. Get Your Hormones and Vitamin Levels Checked [Read More]

Building Trust And Protecting Your Loved Ones - Questions To Ask Home Care Workers

As the people you love age and become less independent, it can be necessary to seek out home care solutions that will allow them to maintain their current standard of living while providing them with the assistance they need. This requires you to put a great deal of trust in home care workers that you may not know well, so establishing that trust is extremely important. Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should be sure to ask home care workers that are assisting your elderly loved ones. [Read More]

Physical Therapy Treatment Is For More Than Just Injuries

A physical ailment that causes you pain or discomfort can really hinder your quality of life. You don't have to live in pain or with discomfort. Physical therapy can help resolve the issue. Unfortunately, most people associate physical therapy with an injury. There is an assumption that only ailments brought about by an injury can be treated with physical therapy. This is inaccurate. There are a number of other conditions that therapy can help you work through. [Read More]

Prescription Costs Too High? Apply For An Alzheimer's Care Patient Assistance Program

If your loved one needs stronger, more effective medications to manage his or her deteriorating health due to Alzheimer's disease, the prescription costs may be too high or expensive to obtain. Some Alzheimer's drugs cost more to make or develop by pharmaceutical companies, which increases the out-of-pocket costs for clients and their families. But there's a way to lower the costs of your loved one's expensive medications. You may find financial relief and assistance for your loved one's medications through a patient assistance program. [Read More]