3 Suggestions To Improve Your Sleep

A good night's rest is something that many people take for granted. It is not until you are sleep deprived that you might notice just how much you need and miss your sleep. Many people have a hard time falling asleep, and/or staying asleep. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to improve your sleep. Here are a couple suggestions.

1. Get Your Hormones and Vitamin Levels Checked

If you have an imbalance in your hormones or your vitamin levels, you could have a problem sleeping. This means that your body might not be creating the right hormones, such as melatonin to help your body know that it is time for sleep.

In addition, even a vitamin deficiency can make you feel jittery, restless and uncomfortable, even if you are extremely tired.

If you are unable to get blood work done or see a doctor, then at least try taking a multi-vitamin and see if that helps you sleep better.

2. Get More Exercise

It is amazing how many benefits exercise has. Not only will it keep you fit and help to release endorphins to make you feel happier, but it will also help you sleep better. The more you move your body during the day, the better you will sleep at night. By wearing your body out, you are training your body that there is a time for active movement, work and play, and that there is a time for rest and rejuvenation.

Think about how much better you sleep when you are working outside in the yard, swimming, hiking, or running around an amusement park. If you can get your body moving throughout the day, you will sleep more restfully at night.

3. Get Tested For Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is more common than people think. This is a medical condition that can interrupt your sleep. This means that even though you might be falling asleep at night, you are never fully reaching a deep sleep. Instead, as you get close to falling into a deep sleep, your airways are blocked and then you wake up a little. It might be so slight that you don't notice that you are waking up, but it is preventing you from entering deep sleep.

If you do have sleep apnea, you can wear a mask that will help you breathe, so that during the night you don't have any night waking. In addition, the doctor may have suggestions for you that can help manage the problem.

To learn more about sleep disorders, contact a clinic like Billings Clinic.
