That Stings! Insects And Arachnids To Avoid When You Discover You Are Allergic

When your doctor informs you that you have a stinging insect allergy, you will want to know more. It is more than just bees that will sting you and cause problems. Generally, people who are allergic to bee stings are allergic to other types of insect and arachnid stings as well. The following list will help you remember which insects and arachnids to avoid so that you will not need an epi-pen or an emergency trip to the hospital.

3 Ways Castration Is Used To Treat Prostate Cancer

The idea of using castration in the treatment of prostate cancer can seem intimidating. Both physical and chemical castration can be used to slow the progression of prostate cancer, especially if the cancer is resistant to other therapies. 1. Physical Castration As the term implies, physical castration involves removing one or both testicles. This form of treatment can be difficult for men to accept, but it can have some benefits. Since most of the male hormones are produced by the testicles, this limits the amount of hormones that can fuel the growth of prostate cancer.

5 Things To Talk To Your Gynecologist About When Pregnant

When you're pregnant, your body goes through many changes. Some are pleasant, while others, such as morning sickness, headaches, and other issues, are not. While much of what you're going through when pregnant is normal, you should still talk to your doctor if you experience the following five things. Your obstetrician will be able to walk you through your symptoms and can help bring you relief in many cases. Severe nausea

Looking To Get A Cosmetic Procedure? Why Coolsculpting Is The Perfect Choice

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to improve your appearance by getting cosmetic surgery. The old saying, "When you look good, you feel good," definitely applies because liking what you see when you look in the mirror does wonders for your self-confidence. With so many advancements in the field of cosmetic procedures, there are a crazy number of options to choose from. CoolSculpting is a relatively recent option that you should definitely consider getting for yourself.

An Occupational Therapist Can Help You Recover At Home From Hip Surgery

If you're planning to undergo surgery for a total hip replacement, your recovery phase will last much longer than your hospitalization. Patients are typically moved out of the hospital as quickly as possible, so that means you'll recover in a rehab nursing home or at your own home. Whether you have a short stay in rehab or go straight home, your home has to be ready for your special needs during recovery.

Visit Urgent Care For A One-Off Physical

Getting an annual physical, especially if you get up in age, is important. For this, you'll ideally want to have a family doctor, as he or she can assess your health metrics from one year to another to get an insight into how you're doing. There can be times, however, that you need a one-off physical, and you may be unsure about how to proceed if you don't have a family doctor.

3 Tips For Better Odds At Long-Term Opioid Addiction Recovery

Recovering from an opioid addiction is a lifelong battle of trying to stay clean. If you are considering stopping opioids for good, there are various strategies that might help you stay off drugs and even reduce your risk of an overdose if you are tempted to relapse. Consider Differences Between Treatment Approaches When you are considering any type of opiate addiction treatment program, you must weight the costs and benefit of each type to give you the best chance at recovery.

Ways To Help A Family Member Going Through Chemotherapy

It can be very difficult to watch as a loved one battles cancer, but helping this person out by providing support can make the most of a challenging time in your lives. If the person is going through chemotherapy, it's important for you to support him or her however you can. One way to do so is to drive the person to these regular appointments. The patient won't likely feel up to driving, and your help and companionship on these days will be valuable.

How An Air Ambulance Can Help Cancer Patients Get To A Treatment Center That Fit Their Needs

Cancer requires specialized treatment, which means you have to find a treatment center that fit your needs. Every cancer treatment center does not treat patients because some only conduct laboratory research. If you have stage IV prostate cancer, then your doctor may recommend a combination of external beam radiation, brachytherapy and hormone therapy. You can start by finding a center that treats your type of cancer and find a doctor that works at the facility.