That Stings! Insects And Arachnids To Avoid When You Discover You Are Allergic
When your doctor informs you that you have a stinging insect allergy, you will want to know more. It is more than just bees that will sting you and cause problems. Generally, people who are allergic to bee stings are allergic to other types of insect and arachnid stings as well. The following list will help you remember which insects and arachnids to avoid so that you will not need an epi-pen or an emergency trip to the hospital.
Bees and Wasps
Most bees will not bother you unless you bother or threaten them first. If you see bees, turn around and walk the other way. Avoid wearing fragrant perfume if you are going on a nature hike, too. As for wasps, most of them are not really discretionary about stinging since they will neither lose their stingers nor their potent toxins with repeated stings. With the exception of a bald-faced wasp and a mud dauber, all of these insects are black with some yellow markings.
Spiders and Scorpions
There are only a handful of spiders in the U.S. that will cause an allergic reaction if they bite/sting you. It is the scorpions you should worry about, as your allergy to stings will take even the mildest of stings from the least dangerous of scorpions and turn it into a hospital trip. Spray your home, yard, and garage and any other outlying buildings on your property for spiders. As for scorpions, you only have to worry about them in the South and Southwest regions, and even then you can shoo them away with a broom.
Fire ants, bullhorn acacia ants, and red harvester ants provide some very painful stings. People who are not even allergic to stinging insects have nasty reactions on the flesh level. Welts the sizes of nickels, dimes, and quarters are common when these ants get you. Thankfully, pest control experts are able to obliterate these pests from your yard so that you will not feel like a prisoner in your own home. The rest of the time, be sure to wear socks and shoes when you step outside to and remain at least a hundred feet away from the nesting mounds of these three types of ants.
Tarantula Hawks
These bizarre insects are so named for the fact that they will go after tarantula spiders, kill them, and eat them. Imagine what they would do to you if get too close! The pain and the swelling are bad enough, but for someone who's already allergic, it would be unbearable.