How An Air Ambulance Can Help Cancer Patients Get To A Treatment Center That Fit Their Needs

Cancer requires specialized treatment, which means you have to find a treatment center that fit your needs. Every cancer treatment center does not treat patients because some only conduct laboratory research. If you have stage IV prostate cancer, then your doctor may recommend a combination of external beam radiation, brachytherapy and hormone therapy.

You can start by finding a center that treats your type of cancer and find a doctor that works at the facility. Unfortunately, the treatment cement may not be in your local community. Read on to find out how an air ambulance can help cancer patients get to a treatment center that fit their needs.

Unable To Travel

When a cancer patient health starts to deteriorate, it becomes hard for the person to travel. Some patients may even need medical support to travel long distance. For these reasons, an air ambulance or critical care aircraft is a solution to this predicament.

A critical care aircraft is similar to an intensive unit that flies. It comes with a FAA approved flight stretcher, an assortment of patient specific medications and specialized medical equipment. The aircraft is also staffed with a medical team to meet the needs of the patient.

Offers Bed To Bed Service

Bed to Bed service is another service offered by the critical care aircraft service. A medical team goes to the hospital and meets the transport patient. They use this time to assess the patient and to provide comfort. Some patients may be a little uneasy about having to change hospitals and to fly to the new location. The medical team even travel with the patient when being transported by ambulance to the aircraft.

They are with you until you are settled in at the receiving facility. This includes traveling with patient by ground ambulance to the receiving facility and providing briefing to the receiving facility nurse. The point is to make sure the patient receives the proper care.

How Soon Can You Get A Flight?

This service has to transfer the patient to the location. It is usually arranged and scheduled a few days in advance. The extra time is needed for finding a connecting flight and to save you money. However, if it is an emergency, then the service can dispatch you for an emergency transfer.

A severe illness can take a toll on a family. You are spending time running back and forth to the doctor and hospital. However, families have to support each other and make sure their loved one get the best care.
