FAQs About Bunionectomies (And A Few About Bunions, In General)

Bunions occur when the joint between the big toe and the forefoot begins to distort and develop calcified, bony tissue on the outside surface. This causes the big toe to look like it is turned inward, and the foot itself to look like it has a big bump on its side. Bunions are common, but not all cases are severe. The most severe cases generally need to be operated upon in order to keep the patient comfortable and able to walk appropriately. [Read More]

Your Guide To Medical Cannabis Cards

With more and more states making cannabis legal, especially medical cannabis, you may be wondering if it's a good fit for you. If you have a medical condition that could benefit from cannabis, you may even qualify for a medical cannabis card in your state. For more information, keep reading. What Is a Medical Cannabis Card?  Many people consume cannabis for recreational use, but it can also be used to help treat a wide variety of medical conditions. [Read More]

4 Ways In Which Physical Therapy For Knee Pain Benefits You

When you're in pain, the last thing you think about is exercise. And in fact, part of the recuperation strategy for a lot of leg pain is to rest. But when the pain is in one of your joints and is not getting better, you can't fully rely on the RICE protocol to heal everything. This is when you seek out a diagnosis of what exactly is causing the pain and what you can do about it. [Read More]

What Is Remote Patient Monitoring?

In the healthcare sector, remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a growing trend that has seen rapid uptake in recent years. RPM refers to the use of technology to monitor patients' biometric data from a distance, usually outside of a hospital or clinic setting. It enables medical professionals to collect and analyze data pertaining to a patient's health without the need for an in-person visit. This technology has been shown to improve healthcare outcomes, reduce costs, and increase access to care. [Read More]