Heart Attacks In Women: What To Look Out For

When it comes to cardiovascular health and disorders, women and men have very different experiences. Symptoms of cardiac disease and myocardial infarctions in men are usually far more obvious and straightforward than they are in women. For this reason, heart attacks are often more fatal and dangerous in men than women. Women's heart problems can easily go undiagnosed because the symptoms are unclear. However, as a woman who is concerned about her health, you should learn to know and recognize the signs of a heart attack so that you can seek out treatment as swiftly as possible. [Read More]

Vision Problems That Could Keep You From Driving

The next time you go to the DMV to renew your driver's license, failing the eye test could keep you off of the road. Vision problems could also make driving difficult, and in some cases, impossible. If you find yourself behind the wheel with any of the following eye problems, get a check up by an ophthalmologist for an examination. Many of them are easily treated so you can be safe on the road once again. [Read More]

How To Manage Your Chronic Hip Pain: Alternative Treatment Options

When you suffer from chronic hip pain, you may feel like you cannot do anything without experiencing excruciating pain.  After all, whether you are laying down, sitting, standing, or walking, your hips are involved. While your orthopedic surgeon or doctor may be able to offer you prescription pain medications and surgery as treatment options, these may not be exactly what you are looking for. Prescription pain medications only treat the symptom (your hip pain) rather than addressing the underlying cause of that pain. [Read More]

Understanding Senior Loneliness And The Benefits Of Home Care Services

Loneliness can affect people in most any stage of life, but your elderly family members are at the greatest risk. Even if your loved one lives at home with you, he or she may still feel alone. Sometimes, the feeling of isolation can lead to psychological problems and physical illnesses. Understanding the most common causes of loneliness in elderly individuals can help you combat it with your loved ones. Common Causes of Loneliness [Read More]