3 Ways A Chiropractor Can Help You

If you have been thinking about visiting your local chiropractor but are not overly sure as to how he or she can actually help you, you are in luck. There are actually many ways a chiropractor can help you and a few of those ways are listed below. Posture Adjustment Sometimes, a bad posture has a lot more to do with what is going on with the spine than whether you are remembering to pull your shoulders back on your own. [Read More]

How To Plan And Pay For Your Funeral Ahead Of Time When You Have Limited Funds

Your funeral service is often the last event that will be held in your honor and memory here on earth. You might have thoughts about what type of arrangements you want to make with your funeral director, but are worried whether you and your family can afford them. If you pre-plan your funeral, you can not only control what happens during the wake and funeral services, but you can also control a lot of the costs associated with your burial. [Read More]

What Treatments Are Available For Spinal Osteoarthritis?

Spinal osteoarthritis occurs when you get arthritis of the spine. Osteoarthritis is essentially a degenerative joint disease that can occur with any joints in your body. It is caused by the cartilage over your bones wearing down and degenerating.  When you have it of the spine, it is caused by the cartilage over your joints and discs of your spine, including your neck and back, breaking down. This leads to pain and inflammation, and eventually, lack of mobility. [Read More]

Are Lasers the Future of Surgery?

You may be familiar with laser surgery as a treatment for nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism — but lasers are now used in far more than eye surgery. From tonsillectomies to cosmetic surgery, surgeons are now routinely using laser equipment for a number of procedures. In many cases, operations performed with lasers can boast both less pain and diminished recovery time. What advantages do lasers pose to surgeons? Surgical lasers have several purposes. [Read More]