
Hurt Your Knee Playing Sports? Here's A Look At Possible Injuries

If you've hurt your knee playing soccer, football or another sport, you're not alone. Knee injuries among athletes are with more than 6 million knee injuries presenting in U.S. emergency rooms between 1999 and 2008. While there is no way to know for sure what injury you are suffering from without a visit to an orthopedic doctor, you can get a little peace of mind by comparing your symptoms to those of these common knee injuries.

Signs Your Baby Has Food Allergies

As your baby ages, you will begin introducing them to new foods. Many parents start with rice cereal, then move on to other types of solids, such as oatmeal, bananas, and other soft solids that are easy to digest. Since your baby's digestive system is still learning how to accept new foods, you don't know which foods may cause an allergy or not. Here are signs your baby may have a food allergy to some of the things they are eating.

3 Important Changes That Impact How CPR Is Performed By Non-Medical Personnel

If it has been a while since you took CPR classes or you have never had the opportunity to become certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, there are some crucial new guidelines about it that you should know. In recent years, there have been important changes in how CPR can safely be given by non-medical persons. In fact, there have been changes made to this important practice in 2011, 2014 and then again in 2015.

Important Things Parents Should Know About Food Allergies

Are you the parent of a small child? Are you worried about his or her health? It's natural for a parent to be concerned about their child's health, especially when it comes to food allergies. If you're wondering whether or not to talk to your child's pediatrician about food allergy testing, here are the answers to some questions you may have: If a parent is allergic to milk, will their child also be allergic to milk?

Will You Have To Take Hormone Replacement Therapy After A Hysterectomy?

Hormone replacement therapy can help many women showing symptoms of menopause. These symptoms can be brought about by natural menopause or by certain surgical procedures. If you are soon to be undergoing a hysterectomy, you may need to take hormone replacement therapy. Will you have to take hormone replacement therapy after a hysterectomy? Hysterectomies are often combined with a procedure called an oophorectomy, which is a removal of the ovaries. Not all hysterectomies involve removal of the ovaries.

Tips For Traveling Comfortably With Arthritis

If you have arthritis and you are going to be taking a road trip, you want to make sure you prepare yourself to deal with the pain while you are in the car. This article will offer you some helpful tips on how you can travel with arthritis and get more enjoyment out of the trip. Make a rice sock to take with you A great way to keep the pain at bay is with a rice sock.

Déjà Vu: Do Cataracts Grow Back?

If you have undergone cataract surgery in the past, you probably rejoiced at your renewed bright and colorful visual capacity. However, if your vision has begun to appear cloudy once again, you may be wondering if cataracts can grow back. Initial Surgery When your cataract surgery was performed, an incision was made on the cornea of your eye, through which the core of the clouded lens was removed. When this was done, the outer membrane of the lens was left behind to house the intraocular lens that was then implanted to replace the natural lens.

How To Prepare Your Child For Their First Eye Exam

Many children dislike going to the doctor and having a stranger look closely at them. Even a trip to the eye doctor at a place like Premier Eye Care & Surgery can be scary with the machines and eye drops. Children become nervous with the unknown. How can you prepare your child for the first eye exam? Practice Makes Perfect Before going to the doctor's office, take some time to explain to your child what will happen during the eye examination.

Your First Physical Therapy Session: What You Need To Know

Have you been referred by your doctor or physician to a physical therapist? If so, there are many reasons as to why this may be the case. Perhaps you recently had surgery that you need therapy to recover from, or maybe you're experiencing pain that your doctor believes could be relieved by physical therapy. Regardless, there are a few things you'll want to be aware of before you show up to your first physical therapy session.

How To Properly Clean Your Prosthetic Limb

If you own a prosthetic limb, it's important you that you properly care and clean your prosthetic limb to ensure it remains in excellent condition. Here is your guide to caring for different parts of your prosthetic limb, avoiding infection of your amputated limb, and ensuring you don't permanently damage it. Use Your Prosthesis Properly In most cases, your prosthesis shouldn't be exposed to water, as water can damage or warp certain parts of your prosthetic limb.