3 Common Types Of Hearing Aids

Being able to hear well at all times is sure to be high on your list of priorities. This can enable you to communicate better with others and simply make your life easier. However, if you suffer from any hearing loss, this can be a real challenge. It may be in your best interest to purchase hearing aids that can increase your ability to hear. By knowing some of the different varieties, you'll be better prepared to buy the right one for you.

Type #1: Behind the ear (BTE)

If you're looking for a hearing aid that is suitable for any level of hearing loss at any age, this may be the best one of you. The BTE device is one that will sit behind the ear, and this is one of the reasons that it's typically selected. However, keep in mind that this kind of hearing aid may be one of the largest types on the market and is still visible despite its placement.

The good news for individuals with hearing loss with the BTE aid is that it's capable of doing more amplifying than many of the others. The bad news is that you may be susceptible to more wind noise.

Type #2: In the canal (ITC)

One of the least visible types of hearing aid devices is the ITC version. This one will sit entirely inside the ear canal and is almost impossible to see. This kind of hearing aid is frequently selected by individuals with moderate hearing loss.

The only issue some users reports is increased earwax buildup due to the hearing aid being inside the ear canal.

Type #3: In the ear (ITE)

There are some advantages to choosing an ITE hearing aid. Some of these include additional features that are easier to use because of the larger size of this device. You will easily be capable of adjusting the volume with greater ease.

However, due to the increased size of the ITE, it's more visible for others to see and also may contribute to increased earwax buildup.

Taking the time to view the various hearing aid devices is sure to be in your best interest. Getting the right one for you is worth the effort. Be sure to consult with a hearing specialist in your area to determine the extent of your hearing loss and assist in helping you find the ideal hearing aid for a better life today!
