Botox Treatment For Parkinson's Patients
If you have Parkinson's disease, then you may have developed neurological problems. Physical and occupational therapy, as well as medications, can help reduce the severity of your symptoms, however, they may not effectively relieve your major symptoms. Your neurologist may recommend Botox, or botulinum toxin, injections to further treat your neurological dysfunction. Here are some ways botulinum toxin injections can improve your Parkinson's symptoms so that you can perform your activities of daily living more effectively.
Eye And Oral Symptoms
Most people have had at least one episode of blepharospasm. This common condition causes spasms of the eyelids. While most cases are caused by fatigue, medication side effects, caffeine intake, and nutritional deficiencies, blepharospasm can be caused by Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders.
Botox injections help reduce the incidence and severity of blepharospasm and may also help relieve abnormal facial movements. Botox may also help relieve sialorrhea, or excessive salivation and drooling in Parkinson's patients. In addition to excessive salivation and drooling, Parkinson's patients may be unable to effectively swallow excess oral secretions, which may pose a choking hazard. Your dermatologist or neurologist can tell you if you are a candidate for botulinum toxin injections.
Gastrointestinal Problems
The neurological effects of Parkinson's disease may cause constipation and delayed gastric emptying, also known as gastroparesis. This condition is thought to be caused by vagal nerve damage and can cause bloating, nausea, vomiting, and feeling full after eating only a small amount. Constipation is also a common problem in those with neurological problems, and if not treated quickly, severe pain or a bowel obstruction may occur.
Botox injections are thought to play a role in better gastrointestinal functioning in people with Parkinson's disease. After getting your injections, your pattern of elimination may improve and you may digest food quicker so that it does not stay in your stomach for too long, causing distressful symptoms of gastroparesis.
In addition to treating you with botulinum toxin injections, your doctor may also refer you to a gastroenterologist for further evaluation and treatment, if necessary. A gastroenterologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnoses and management of gastrointestinal disorders.
If you suffer from persistent eyelid twitching or have gastrointestinal problems as a result of Parkinson's disease, talk to your doctor about getting Botox injections. They are considered very safe and may help improve your condition without the side effects that many Parkinson's disease medications can cause. A local professional can tell you more about Botox.