Red Wine: Good For Your Health, But Not Your Dental Health

Experts agree that, when taken in moderation, red wine can be beneficial for your overall health. But, while the antioxidants in red wine can do wonders for your heart, red wine's effect on your teeth leave a lot to be desired. Learn how red wine can negatively impact your dental health as well as ways you can curb those adverse effects.

The Proof Is In the Acidity

Many alcoholic drinks not only contain high amounts of sugar, but they're also highly acidic in nature. Acidic drinks can easily strip away the protective enamel on your teeth, making them more susceptible to bacteria and eventual infection.

Unfortunately, red wine happens to be one of the many alcoholic offenders on this list. Other drinks, like sparkling wines, can be even worse due to the amount of carbonation that's going on. Those fizzy bubbles can erode your tooth enamel just as easily as acids.  

Enamel erosion isn't the only thing that can happen to your teeth as you consume red wines. Your favorite wine can also leave its calling card in the form of tooth stains that can prove difficult to remove, in some cases. The reddish or purplish tinge is the result of stain-promoting tannins behind left behind on your teeth.

Curbing Red Wine's Acidic Effects

Having perfect teeth doesn't mean you have to go without your favorite wines. Protecting your dental health is as simple as taking the following precautions:

  • Make sure to brush thoroughly at least an hour before consuming wines and other acidic beverages. Don't brush your teeth immediately after drinking red wine, as the acids leave your teeth vulnerable to abrasion.
  • Another way to stymie the adverse effects of red wine and other acidic alcoholic drinks is to drink water in between drinks. This helps dilute the acids left on your teeth, making them less able to attack the enamel.
  • If you suffer from dry mouth, you may want to take an oral rinse or dry mouth treatment hours prior to drinking red wines. Saliva helps keep bacteria at bay, reducing the chance of cavities and gingivitis from taking hold. It also helps your teeth rebuild its enamel through remineralization.
  • After a drink, you can use wine wipes to wipe off the reddish tinge left behind. This can help prevent stains from setting into the enamel.

The simple tips can help you maintain that perfect smile even as you enjoy your favorite wines and other beverages. For other tips on better oral care, visit your dentist, like those at Family Dental Care.
